The Financial Times iOS App is now compatible with Apple CarPlay. The new feature allows users to listen to the ten most popular FT stories in their region daily, as well as the ten most recent podcasts, in their car. It is available to all FT iOS App users, including those without a paid FT subscription. 

The car-compatible app is part of the FT’s wider audio strategy to create a hands-free experience, enabling subscribers to stay informed and connected at any time. The technical development of the product has been supported by Infosys, the FT's digital innovation partner.

John Kundurt, chief product and technology officer at the FT, said, “We're excited to release a new way for subscribers to get the most out of FT content while driving. Americans spend on average nearly 300 hours a year in their cars, time that can now be spent in the company of the FT's top articles and podcasts through our Apple CarPlay compatible app. Our trials have been very successful so we look forward to hearing what our subscribers think and to rolling out new features in the future.”

The FT iOS App is available to download in the App Store. Existing users will need Version 1.74 on iOS 14 or above. For more information, please read the FAQ


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About the Financial Times

The Financial Times is one of the world’s leading business news organisations, recognised internationally for its authority, integrity and accuracy. The FT has a record paying readership of 1.4 million, more than one million of which are digital subscriptions. It is part of Nikkei Inc., which provides a broad range of information, news and services for the global business community. 
