Looking for a career with purpose? At the FT we are committed to delivering news with integrity, standing up for responsible business and providing better insights for a better world.

For 130 years, the FT has been synonymous with the highest standards in journalism, recognised internationally for authority, integrity and accuracy. Our award-winning editorial teams seek depth, originality and balance. This is what differentiates 'FT Pink' (named for the salmon colour of our newsprint) and engages our subscribers.
The FT is a truly global news organisation with a readership to match. Our London HQ has counterpart regional hubs in New York and Hong Kong, together serving 24/7 coverage. Our subscribers live and work in these cities, and everywhere in between. We unpack local stories with an international perspective: How might a decision in Beijing or Berlin affect those in New York or New Delhi?
We prioritise being first, without compromising on accuracy. Our correspondents set the bar reporting on financial news, whilst also dispatching on the latest developments in politics, business, tech, economics, climate, policy, culture, arts and more. Not only does the FT lead coverage of momentous events but we also uncover the behind-the-scenes story – before the dust has settled.
Set the standard for world class journalism while reaching some of the world’s most powerful decision makers. Our newsroom works collaboratively, combining expertise to produce scoops, explainers, and compelling, accurate and thought provoking analysis, guiding our readers through uncertainty.
We have more than 600 journalists in over 40 countries.
The FT’s newsroom offers a supportive, challenging environment, partnering with you to develop your career. Fom covering a wide spectrum of topics within one of our foreign networks to writing the first take on a major corporate deal, or running an election live blog, opportunities are vast.